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Hello, we are the Murphys. We are a family of five living on an acreage in southeast Nebraska near Indian Creek. Trevor works as a utility lineman for our local public power district and Kasey is a pediatric physical therapist. Tenlee and Cash are in elementary school and Anni is the baby sister of the group. Pacey is our family pet. She became a Murphy in November of 2018. We all enjoy outdoor activities. Pacey runs with Kasey, plays ball with the kids and comes camping with the family.


Banks & Birdie are the family pets of Kasey's sister and brother-in-law, Kelly & Kurt Burken and their son, Rye. The dogs are a major part of their family and get to join in on all their adventures.

Kasey, Kelly, and their three siblings were lucky enough to grow up with a grandfather who was a vet; hence, their love of animals and joy in having pups as a part of our families. Their grandparents and parents raised dogs while the girls were growing up. Having little puppies indoors was the normal and one of the sweetest childhood memories.


The Murphys and Burkens raise Goldendoodles as a family project. The hope is to instill responsibility and love of animals in their children while making many memories along the way. Each puppy is their own family pet for the first eight weeks of his or her little life. It's a joy to see these puppies find their forever homes. This little business truly is a gift.

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